I call this "The Aristocrats Car."
Hi folks,
I’ve been remiss in throwing stuff up on here. I have a decent entry in the works on my attendance at the Washington DC Rally to Restore Sanity (and some other stuff actually related to the Northwest Corner), but in the meantime, I thought I’d post this nugget of New Milford insanity. Maybe I'll work this into one of my fiction stories.
This car was in the Railroad Street parking lot near our office in downtown New Milford for the better part of a week. I have no idea who the owner was, how it got there, or why it looks this way*, but I had to catch it on my HD Flip as I was leaving. Freeze-frame if you aren't offended by, uh, really offensive graffiti.
(*One reliable source, though, said that the owner did this himself.)
Yes, that is a container of cinnamon sitting on the trunk. As I hear so often, "no comment."
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